Small Zohar Set of 21 Books for Reading & for Protection Soft Cover כריכה רכה קטן ללימוד, להגנה ולשמירה 21 כרכים
זוהר עם פירוש הסולם של הרב יהודה אשלג על פרשות התורה, שיר השירים, רות, איכה
מהדורה קטנה, כריכה רכה
It is written in the Zohar (BeHa'alotekha) that our generation will have The Zohar for protection as Noah's Ark was in Noah's times.
With HaSulam commentary of Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag (Hebrew)
Since its not comfortable to carry the big books we offer you few small versions of The Zohar:
Small Zohar / Set of 21 Volumes - This one is big enough to read and study, 11.5 x 16.5 cm.
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